Your article just reminded me of the Netflix show, Ginny and Georgia, where the white Taiwanese guy who was dating the biracial black girl said, "You think you have it worse? Let's start the oppression Olympics. I had to go to the military and that is upsetting, blah blah"
Also recently in a Zoom bible class of mostly Koreans, they highlighted Asian hate and I unmuted myself to tell them, "I am sorry for what you are going through, truly, but blacks are still persecuted by harm/death daily, I don't recall Asians being targeted in this way and definitely not for 500 years and counting..." The Zoom class was silent and finally the teacher said, "Well...that is true, and let's not make this about race." *Suddenly it is not about race...*
The fact is, Khadejah, I love your article because it points out the fact that no matter how much "oppression" the POC and whites feel, they will NEVER fully grasp the scope of fear, harm, death, and anguish that has been plaguing black people for centuries.