Thank you for your honest article. As an African American(not born in Africa), I love the African cultural head wraps, skirts and jewelry. I definitely appreciate it. Same with Japanese culture. I’ve never worn traditional kimonos and I do need educating on the history of their traditions, but I wouldn’t profit off of it or demean their culture either.
I’m not mad when people enjoy dances that Black’s perform or even when they wear our hairstyles- that’s not what bothers me.
What bothers me is when those same dances and hairstyles “take off” as popular and profitable when OTHERS do it and once again, the credit is not due to us. It is especially hurtful when Black women’s Afro is considered big or militant yet “cute” on white and nonblack women. Or having Kardashians call box braids “Bo Derek” braids when we wore them first.
Just my thoughts.