Hi! I'm a happily married woman who read this article and I am in support of "Passport Bros", not for the reasons you think though.
Your article is well thought out and well written, but I did pick out where you said "Being feminine does not strip you of independence"- agreed! However, I think women in other countries view feminine through one lens. American women have been at the abusive hands of some of these men and Black women in particular are "unalived" every five hours by their own men. So when these men say they are going overseas, there are groups of women who actually do not care. We actually like that they are going away :)
Right now, there is a woman in Brazil who is fighting to have these "Passport Bros" leave because these "Bros" are leaving the women as single mothers(like they do in the U.S.) and abusing these Asian/Brazilian women.. It is so sad.
Great article-- and again, I am glad these men are leaving. Not all of them are mean of course, but most can leave American women alone, some women do not care about them finding wives overseas.
* I have my own thoughts on this, do you mind that I tag your article? Respectfully of course.*