Great points are raised in this article!
I am beginning to see these men as "boys" who when they cannot get away with shenanigans with one group of women(their own race), they move on like parasites looking for a new host to usurp and harm.
I don't travel down the manosphere rabbit hole because from what I heard, it is purely demonic-- and aren't they under investigation for their public hate of Black women? Disgusting. We know of course, all Black men aren't like this. My dad raised my sister and I and moved up the career ladder of his job, and my Black husband for sure is a good Black man who do not display negative behaviors such as what I've seen online.
If these silly Black men want their snow bunnies, then let them. As Black women, we need to let them be. If white women want men who act like this, it says a lot about her mentality as well.