At least you're honest!
I'll say this. When I was in Elementary school, I tried to get this black boy's attention(I'll never forget), by being the loudest when speaking with my friends so he can HEAR me and get this...I am not even a loud person! I just knew that I wanted his eyes to turn to me. I was raised in a two parent home to begin with(parents separated later) but talks of self respect and how a girl is to conduct herself was taught minimally, or maybe I just didn't pay attention?
Anyhow, I noticed later on, BLACK chicks doing something else really ODD in my neighborhood: they were picking fights with other girls because of JEALOUSY and I was one of THEIR targets. These Black chicks lived for the accolades that Black guys would give them: "Oh she fought so and so, knocked so and so out!" It's like, if the girl was strong or a good fighter, even if fighting boys, she was ADMIRED.
I think for Black women, they never grew out of that "SENPAI- notice me!" Phase. I'm not blaming ONLY the males of course, because this is a two way street. It's like dopamine is released when these girls get attention. Daddy never gave them attention. They were probably called fast tail by Black parents/Aunties/Etc, when in fact they were really cute. Told to focus on school and nothing else. Ignored.
Most Black guys that praised these Black girls' ghetto Skills, had light skinned or Latina girls on their arms. Hey, what do I know.
At the end of the day Black Women must take some kind of accountability as adults. I HIGHLY believe most need therapy and need to stop thinking about a man for once.